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My Oshogatsu 2007


toasting the new year

For lunch, we went to the house of one of my father's sisters. All of my father's remaining siblings except my aunt in Washington were there along with many cousins and their families. It's a LOT of people.

After going through the house with greetings of "Happy New Year" and hugs (actually, said boisterously with a Japanese accent, it sounds more like "Hoppy New Year"), we had to take our turn with the sake.

This sake set has been in our family for a long time. I don't actually know the origins and how long, but I recognize it from many Oshogatsu parties past.

There's actually a red laquer platform or tray that's not pictured here. You have a choice of drinking from one of three size cups. I always choose the smallest one.

Based on this original

Oshogatsu sake set
uploaded by vkm
Every year, my father's very large family gathers on New Year's Day. It's the day each year that we see the most relatives (other than at weddings and funerals). After … More »

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