Descubra a los Nikkei

Growing up "American"

I mean, well as soon as we started school I was an American.  I was... we did the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and everything was American.  Well I mean the Japanese obviously part of it was mainly my father's side.  We used to go to the church in San Jose and that was our religion.  But we were... even if it were an isolated community and living on a farm on your own...We were Americans, yeah.  And I made friends in grammar school. And we, you know, and we never sort of like did anything together because I was always working. 

But yeah, it was when I was in Sacramento...  The only time I feel I was not American is when I went to Sacramento.  And it was very much a, uh, prejudice or a discrimination.  You know, and it was really quite, you know, strange I thought then.  I felt peculiar because I was born there and so...well I didn't look like the Americans so I knew I was different, you know.  But uh but to be... having to mix with that community you would feel you were accepted. Because there were Black communities, and Mexicans, and everything, you know.  But uh we were suddenly complete strangers.  We were foreigners you know.

estadounidenses identidad

Fecha: June 29, 2012

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: Chris Komai, John Esaki

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Desde niño, Jimmy Murakami (1933 – 2014) decidió convertirse en un animador de películas al ver los dibujos animados de Disney que eran proyectados a los japoneses que se encontraban en el campo de concentración Tule Lake durante la segunda guerra mundial. Después de asistir al Instituto de Arte Chouinard en Los Ángeles, trabajó como animador para el estudio de animación UPA (United Productions of America). Tiempo después, fundó Murakami Wolf, una compañía que realizó varios comerciales muy conocidos en la década de los 60 y 70. Se convirtió en el director de largometrajes de “When the Wind Blows” (“Cuando el Viento Sopla”) y “The Snowman” (“El Hombre de Nieve”). Después de haber establecido su residencia en Irlanda en los últimos años, Murakami falleció en febrero del 2014 a la edad de 80 años.  


Expressing herself through poetry

(n. 1923) Kibei Nisei poeta, activista

Matsumoto,Juan Alberto

About Escobar (Spanish)

(n. 1962) Nikkei argentino de “nissei” que reside en Japón. 


Her definition of Nikkei

(n. 1974) Colombiana japonesa que actualmente reside en los Estados Unidos

McKenna,Sabrina Shizue

Impacto de salir del armario en su familia

(n. 1957) Juez de la Corte Suprema de Hawái.