Discover Nikkei

Japan vs. the United States (Japanese)

(Japanese) In Japan, someone named Lieutenant General Koike asked me, “What do you think about Japan and the United States?” What do I think? In America, the mountains are filled with resources. In Japan, there isn’t anything. Nothing. It’s empty. You can figure it out by that, right? If empty Japan and the US, where the mountains are full, went to war, you know Japan will lose. He said, “Hmmm.” As I expected, Japan finally started the war.

World War II

Date: October 14 & 17, 2004

Location: California, US

Interviewer: Eriko Yamamoto

Contributed by: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum.

Interviewee Bio

Kazuo Funai, 104-year-old pioneer Issei from Wakayama Prefecture in Japan, owned and operated a market on Central Avenue in Los Angeles. In 1941, prior to the outbreak of World War II, Mr. Funai had made arrangements to move to Tokyo to set up a business enterprise. After the bombing of Pearl Harbor, he was unable to travel to Japan and was financially ruined. In addition, he and his family were incarcerated in an American concentration camp. He survived these obstacles to later start several successful businesses.

Mr. Funai passed away on Thursday, March 3, 2005 at the age of 105. (August 16, 2005)


Under suspicion after Pearl Harbor

(b. 1924) Political scientist, educator, and administrator from Hawai`i


442 soldiers visiting U.S. concentration camps

(b. 1924) Political scientist, educator, and administrator from Hawai`i


Teaching at the military language school during World War II

(b. 1924) Political scientist, educator, and administrator from Hawai`i


Devastation in Tokyo after World War II

(b. 1924) Political scientist, educator, and administrator from Hawai`i


Change in attitudes after World War II

(b. 1924) Political scientist, educator, and administrator from Hawai`i


Family's deportation from Peru to U.S. after the bombing of Pearl Harbor

(1930-2018) Nisei born in Peru. Taken to the United States during WWII.


Conditions aboard U.S. transport ship while being deported from Peru

(1930-2018) Nisei born in Peru. Taken to the United States during WWII.

Kanemoto,Marion Tsutakawa

Ransacking of family home by FBI following the bombing of Pearl Harbor

(b. 1927) Japanese American Nisei. Family voluntarily returned to Japan during WWII.

Kanemoto,Marion Tsutakawa

Witnessing father's arrest through a child's eyes

(b. 1927) Japanese American Nisei. Family voluntarily returned to Japan during WWII.

Kanemoto,Marion Tsutakawa

Participating in military drills in school in Japan during the war

(b. 1927) Japanese American Nisei. Family voluntarily returned to Japan during WWII.

Kanemoto,Marion Tsutakawa

Hearing anti-American war propaganda from a teacher

(b. 1927) Japanese American Nisei. Family voluntarily returned to Japan during WWII.

Kanemoto,Marion Tsutakawa

The hardships of life in Japan during World War II

(b. 1927) Japanese American Nisei. Family voluntarily returned to Japan during WWII.


Experiences during World War II

(1918-2004) Interned in Slocan during World War II. Active member of the Japanese Canadian community.


Anti-Japanese sentiment at the time of World War II

(b. 1918) Issei businessman in Canada


The impact of Pearl Harbor on his family

(b. 1918) Issei businessman in Canada