Descubra a los Nikkei

Edward Moreno


A los 89 años, Ed Moreno ha acumulado aproximadamente 70 años de servicio en el mundo de los medios. Ha recibido galardones por su trabajo como escritor, editor y traductor. Su pasión por la cultura japonesa se inició en 1951 y parece nunca terminar. Ed escribe una columna para el boletín mensual del Centro Comunitario Japonés East San Gabriel Valley en West Covina, CA. Antes de su desaparición, The East Magazine (Tokyo) publicó también algunos de sus artículos originales.

Última actualización en marzo de 2012

Historias de Este Autor

Thumbnail for Dialogue With an Old Friend
Dialogue With an Old Friend

23 de febrero de 2012 • Edward Moreno

Pretending I had to search for a book, I wormed myself in to take a last look at my dying old friend. I sat there a few minutes all miserable, and muttered: “Dear friend, why do you have to go?”The answer came fast: “Stop bawling! It bothers me.” “How can anyone be so insensitive?” I said. “Insensitive, huh? I served you very well for over fifty-six years. Think of all our beautiful moments together. I’ve already heard so many comforting prayers inside …

Thumbnail for Frank’s Bequest
Frank’s Bequest

10 de febrero de 2012 • Edward Moreno

The on-shore winds have danced all night up and down over Rose Hills. They have then come down full speed, however humble, and with their innards laden with ocean moisture; now they are crawling eastward, along Puente Avenue. By six and even seven AM, the dew is gratefully absorbed by the unnatural vegetation that the residents have forced on this arid bend of California’s soil. In one of your early morning runs or walks, deliberately stop for a moment in …

Thumbnail for Go-Getter Extraordinaire
Go-Getter Extraordinaire

11 de marzo de 2011 • Edward Moreno

Yo Maeda called from her cell phone letting us know she was thoroughly lost. “You’re not too far away,” I told her. “Back track, I’ll lead you.” In a couple of minutes, she was here, safely. She had brought a lot of things for us to price, for our coming Hanamatsuri. Carton after carton full of dolls, jewelry, toy, fans, etc. kept coming out of her little Prius. I asked, “Gosh, where did you get all this? “From my friends,” …

Thumbnail for New Year's Lore
New Year's Lore

31 de diciembre de 2010 • Edward Moreno

It was the middle of the night, literally; I was sound asleep recovering from the hassles of the New Year. My shoulder began to shake strongly, and I woke up fearing an earthquake. I saw two enormous sticks holding something dark at the end, and pointing at my mouth, and wondered whether I was experiencing a vivid dream. Then I heard the wife’s command: “Open your mouth! It is Oshogatsu, and we forgot to eat this. We want to stick …

Thumbnail for Kokeshi

22 de noviembre de 2010 • Edward Moreno

Everybody has a favorite Japanese doll, but the luxurious kimekomi seem the most popular, with the Hakata not far behind. My passion is kokeshi, substantiated by a hoard of over four-hundred pieces. Oh, that’s nothing! In Dallas, Texas, two wonderful friends have already exceeded the TWENTY-FIVE HUNDRED count, and they just keep acquiring. One of their latest finds is a doll, tall as a seven-year old child, and twice as heavy. As if that weren’t enough, my friends are now …

Thumbnail for Ningyo II – The Poetry of Dolls
Ningyo II – The Poetry of Dolls

12 de octubre de 2010 • Edward Moreno

Read Part 1 >>Three years after it happened, I am still grieving about the demise of Ningyo Journal, an ambitious periodical that J.A.D.E. (Japanese Asian Doll Enthusiasts) published from 1993 to 2004. It cost only eighteen dollars per year, but it always packed a wallop as an instrument for learning about Japanese dolls. Its earlier issues were valiant attempts at desk-top publishing, which the editors kept constantly improving. By the time it disappeared, it was being printed on first-rate coated …

Thumbnail for Ningyo I –  Divine Shape and Human Form
Ningyo I – Divine Shape and Human Form

5 de octubre de 2010 • Edward Moreno

At Centenary Church’s annual bazaar1, I stopped at a table full of discards, and asked the saleslady how much for “THAT?”…a pair of old paper dolls inside a flimsy cardboard box. She dawdled; her eyes swept me from top to bottom, and she left to confer with her associates. While their chat was inaudible, their raised eyebrows, nods, and shoulder-shrugging were raucous. The woman came back, and trying to hide a smirk, she hinted: “A…dollar?” Quickly, I handed her the …

Thumbnail for Sushi en Los Angeles – 2ª parte
Sushi en Los Angeles – 2ª parte

10 de agosto de 2010 • Edward Moreno

>> Parte 1Para la nueva oportunidad con el sushi, el objetivo inicial  del Sr. Nakajima fueron los inmigrantes japoneses, especialmente los hombres de negocios. Impresionados ellos con la atracción, comenzaron a traer a sus clientes americanos para que probaran algo novedoso y extraordinario. Tras su primera experiencia con el sushi, los novatos se volvieron adictos.  La barra de sushi en Kawafuku tenía solo siete asientos y siempre estaba llena.  El Sr. Saito, Chef de Kawafuku, vino a ser el primer …

Thumbnail for Sushi en Los Angeles – 1ª parte
Sushi en Los Angeles – 1ª parte

3 de agosto de 2010 • Edward Moreno

En uno de nuestras reuniones semanales en Maryknoll, pregunté a mis amigos si alguno sabía ¿cómo y cúando vino el sushi a Los Ángeles?  Ko Hosizaki me dijo que la persona indicada para contestarme era el Sr. Noritoshi Kanai, el presidente de Mutual Trading Company (MTC) de Los Ángeles. "Hasta un libro escribió él sobre eso," comentó Ko. Entonces no perdí tiempo en pedirle que me presentara a esa legendaria persona. A los 86 años, Kanai san, alto e imponente, …

Thumbnail for Ohhh, sushi!
Ohhh, sushi!

20 de julio de 2010 • Edward Moreno

Sushi and I made our acquaintance nearly sixty years ago on a train ride from Iwanuma to Sendai. In those days, the government wasn’t as particular as now about “sanitation,” and food vendors were allowed to course the railroad cars offering their wares without anyone batting an eye. As we left Iwanuma, a soft call filled the car: “Sun-bun, suzubentooo…Ocha…ochaaa….” A food vendor was promoting her wares. Muffled giggles followed her call. “Hi, banchan,” a customer called and, with a …

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