Register for the California Legacy Voice Network Workshop

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Feb 201514

Japanese American Museum of San Jose
535 N. Fifth Street
San Jose, California, 95112
United States

The California Legacy Voice Network has scheduled three professional development workshops for teachers and administrators in Region 5 (Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Monterey Counties) at the Japanese American Museum of San Jose in San Jose's Japantown.

Guest speakers (Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston, Karen Korematsu and others) will address four critical stories:
· The California’s assembly centers
· The Japanese American Internment
· Fred Korematsu’s story
· The family stories of local Legacy Voices
Participants will receive materials to share with students and colleagues at their schools and school districts, thus preparing them to become legacy voices. This Japanese American Confinement Sites grant is sponsored by the National Park Service, the Korematsu Institute for Civil Rights and Education, and the Japanese American Museum of San Jose   (JAMsj).

When registering, please pick one date.

PRE-REGISTRATION due February 21, 2015
e-mail address
School/grade level
School District
If retired, district and grade level
Select one workshop date: ___March 7, 2015 ___August 8, 2015
___Sept. 19, 2015

Send registration information to
e-mail: Attention: Shirley Ota and Judy Tokubo
address: JAMsj at 535 North Fifth Street, San Jose, CA 95112




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JAMsj . Última actualización Ene 31, 2015 2:19 p.m.


febrero 2015


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