hapa film screenings

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Film & Other Media

Oct 201425

Nikkei National Museum
6688 Southoaks Crescent
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5E 4M7

double bill

Neither Here Nor There (35 min)

Hafu – the mixed-race experience of Japan (90 min)

Admission: $8, $6 (Members & Under 17) at door.

Neither Here Nor There explores cultural identity for people who have grown up in places other than their home culture, known as Third Culture Kids. Through the stories of six subjects, the film investigates the often overlooked effects on adults who had international upbringings, their struggles to fit in and an eternal search to belong.

Hafu is a journey of discovery into the complex multicultural experience of mixed- race Japanese in modern day Japan. The film follows the lives of five hafus—the Japanese term for people who are half Japanese—as they explore what it means to be multiracial and multicultural in a nation that once proudly proclaimed itself to be mono-ethnic. Discussion to follow screening.



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NNMCC . Última actualización Oct 11, 2014 4:07 p.m.

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