Descubra Nikkei

Bobby Okinaka


Bobby mora na ilha japonesa de Shikoku, onde é membro de um programa do governo local para revitalizar o campo. Seus projetos são um programa de história oral da cidade de Niyodogawa e testes para melhorar a saúde do solo usando lascas de madeira, microorganismos e composto. Antes de se mudar para o campo, morou em Tóquio por 12 anos. Ele é originalmente de Los Angeles, CA. Ele escreve sobre a vida no Japão em seu blog: .

Atualizado em julho de 2021

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Book Review: Shortcomings by Adrian Tomine
Book Review: Shortcomings by Adrian Tomine

22 de Dezembro de 2007 • Bobby Okinaka

When a newborn baby comes into the world, everything is a wonder. The bright lights, the strange noises, the sensation of being surrounded by tall strangers poking around overwhelm the senses. The baby enters the world a blank slate waiting for instruction. And yet, on some basic level, it already has everything it needs to know to face life. No one taught it how to blink, how to cry, how to kick its chubby legs. This is performed by instinct. …

Thumbnail for Bridging the Gap in Los Angeles’ Nikkei Cultural Identity
Bridging the Gap in Los Angeles’ Nikkei Cultural Identity

13 de Dezembro de 2007 • Bobby Okinaka

Los Angeles has long been a gateway between Japan and the United States. It started over one hundred years ago when the first Issei landed on the California coast in search of better opportunities and continues today with Japanese businessmen and their families flying into LAX. The recent Japan Expo, now in its 28th year, held at the Los Angeles Convention Center is a prime example of the transmission of Japanese culture. Visitors enjoyed a wide variety of booths offering …

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