Descubra Nikkei

Rachel Yamaguchi


Rachel Yamaguchi nasceu e cresceu, uma sansei, em Pasadena, Califórnia. Ela recebeu seu bacharelado em História pela UCLA e obteve uma credencial de ensino secundário em Ciências Sociais na CSULA. Ela gosta de escrever desde a quinta série e neste momento está trabalhando para encontrar representação para dois romances relacionados envolvendo o 442º RCT e o War Relocation Camp, Amache, CO. Atualmente ela reside em Placentia, Califórnia, com seu fiel companheiro, um beagle chamado Shelby. .

Atualizado em junho de 2012

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for The Odyssey
Crônicas Nikkeis n.º 1 — ITADAKIMASU! Um Gostinho da Cultura Nikkei
The Odyssey

22 de Agosto de 2012 • Rachel Yamaguchi

We were on our way from Los Angeles to Turlock, located in the central valley of California, for what I believe was my grandmother’s funeral. My father’s mother passed away in January so we were naturally a sullen group. During the winter there is usually snow on the Grapevine, a portion of the Interstate 5 freeway that connects Northern and Southern California, complete with road closures and sometimes perilous fog and mudslides. This necessitated my family in flying out of …

Thumbnail for "Look'it" Food
Crônicas Nikkeis n.º 1 — ITADAKIMASU! Um Gostinho da Cultura Nikkei
"Look'it" Food

17 de Julho de 2012 • Rachel Yamaguchi

Come on, admit it. There is one in every family. You know at least one. I’m one. You may be one too. We’re called “squirrels,” “pack rats,” and in the most extreme case, “hoarders.” In my particular case, I inherited this trait from my Nisei mother. Whenever our family got a special gift like that delicious white two-pound box of assorted chocolates, sembei, or manju, Mom always told us, “We’ll save these for a special occasion. This is only for …

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