Descubra Nikkei

Tracy Fugami

Tracey Fugami é curadora de coleções e exposições do Paine Art Center em Wisconsin. Ela traçou o perfil de Fujiko Isomura e Loren Demster para a edição "Traditions Transformed" da Nikkei Heritage .

Atualizado em 29 de setembro de 2005

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Simple Instructions: Yoko Ono's Quest for Peace
Herança Nikkei
Simple Instructions: Yoko Ono's Quest for Peace

4 de Maio de 2006 • Tracy Fugami

“Who believes today that war can be abolished? No one, not even pacifists. We hope only (so far in vain) to stop genocide and to bring to justice those who commit gross violations of the laws of war… and to be able to stop specific wars by imposing negotiated alternatives to armed conflict.”  –Susan Sontag 1 The war with Iraq and the current political climate casts a gray pall over the possibility of a peaceful resolution in the Middle East. …

Thumbnail for Picturing the Philippines
Herança Nikkei
Picturing the Philippines

29 de Setembro de 2005 • Tracy Fugami

Today, Nikkei culture is as mobile as a newly-sown seed catching wind—any given location could be a potential homestead. The East and West coasts are like parental roots, foundations of communities in which Japanese Americans have found sustainable livelihoods. The Midwest and South populations are slowly on the rise. And the Japanese diaspora extends beyond US soil. For independent photographer Neal Oshima, planting himself in the Philippines has become more than a place of residence, it has become an inspiration. …

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