Descubra Nikkei

Kan Tagami

Kan Tagami é um veterano do serviço militar intergente que serviu como intérprete pessoal do general Douglas MacArthur durante a ocupação do Japão após a Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Atualizado em 2005

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Recollections of the Japanese Occupation
Recollections of the Japanese Occupation

1 de Maio de 2005 • Kan Tagami

For nearly five years, from late 1946 until his firing by President Truman in April 1951, I had the privilege of serving as personal interpreter-aide to the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in Japan, General Douglas MacArthur. It was an eventful time, a period that was crucial to the recovery of a nation devastated by war, economic hardship, and military tyranny. The work done by MacArthur, and by all who served in the Occupation, was critical in rebuilding Japan, …

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