Descubra Nikkei

Andrew B. Russell

Andrew (Andy) Russell ensina história no Central New Mexico Community College em Albuquerque. Ele obteve seu doutorado. em história pela Arizona State University e publicou vários artigos sobre nipo-americanos do Interior Ocidental.

Atualizado em abril de 2008

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Comunidades duradouras
The Nikkei in New Mexico

30 de Abril de 2008 • Andrew B. Russell

New Mexicans were celebrating their racial and cultural diversity long before most other Americans. Often described as a “tri-cultural society,” comprised of Native Americans, Hispanics, and Anglos, the New Mexico mosaic is actually much more complex. This part of the Southwest is the ancestral homeland of a variety of Indian people, including the Pueblo, Navajo, Apache, and Comanche. Over four hundred years ago, it became the northern frontier of Spain’s vast empire, settled by people already representing Spanish, Indian, African, …

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