Descubra Nikkei

Sachi Kaneshiro

Sachi Kaneshiro nasceu Sachi Tamaki em Covina, uma cidade no condado de Los Angeles, na Califórnia. Ela frequentou a UCLA, onde recebeu um bacharelado em Relações Internacionais. Ela foi encarcerada no Poston Relocation Center entre maio de 1942 e janeiro de 1943, e no Heart Mountain Relocation Center de janeiro a maio de 1943. Ela trabalhou por 28 anos como assistente social no condado de Los Angeles e no estado do Havaí antes de se aposentar em 1984. Ela fez um curso de redação criativa onde escreveu este ensaio para cumprir uma tarefa sobre reação a uma notícia.

Atualizado em setembro de 2007

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for What's in a Name?
Crônicas Nikkeis n.º 3—Nomes Nikkeis: Taro, John, Juan, João?
What's in a Name?

15 de Outubro de 2014 • Sachi Kaneshiro

On my early morning walk the other day, I heard behind me, faintly, in the distance, “Sochi, Sochi…” I wondered, is someone trying to channel the Olympics but didn’t look back, just kept on going. Then the sound caught up with me. It was Flossie from the same senior citizens’ building where I live. “I’ve been watching the Winter Olympics on TV and I finally got your name straight…Sochi.” Close enough, I thought, she had already gone from “Soxy” to …

Thumbnail for Heart-less Mountain
Heart-less Mountain

12 de Setembro de 2007 • Sachi Kaneshiro

They heard the muffled anger, the stifled sob, the hollow laughter...all the human sounds...echoing through the empty barracks. But no one was there. Heart Mountain Internment Camp, a jerrybuilt town of 11,000, that pulsated with life for three years, had vanished. The desert had reclaimed the land that yielded grain and vegetables for the internees.Into this wasteland, moved Chester and Mary Blackburn. Two years after the last internee left, the Blackburns decided to farm here. Their story was one of …

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