Descubra Nikkei

Jayne Hirata

Sou uma advogada felizmente aposentada que passa o tempo cuidando de seus três filhos fofos, mas exigentes, preparando o almoço para os veteranos nisseis da Segunda Guerra Mundial todas as quintas-feiras, fazendo bonecas de meia e joias de contas, limpando três cachorros, um coelho e um porco magro, , estudando reiki e massageando pequenos animais se eles deixassem. Passo muito tempo no Facebook falando mal das pessoas quando deveria estar atualizando meu blog. Ah, e de vez em quando, lembro de respirar, dormir e alimentar as crianças.

Atualizado em fevereiro de 2013

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Health, Happiness, and Bear Hanakuso with the Wine Gang
Crônicas Nikkeis n.º 1 — ITADAKIMASU! Um Gostinho da Cultura Nikkei
Health, Happiness, and Bear Hanakuso with the Wine Gang

20 de Junho de 2012 • Jayne Hirata

While other women look forward to getting their nails done or a spa day on the weekends, the high point of my week starts early Thursday morning when I start lunch preparations for a group of 30 or so people. As my kids slowly drift into the kitchen in search of something microwavable for breakfast, they are greeted with the smell of miso or freshly chopped green onion waiting to be plopped into a 14 gallon stainless steel pot. “Oh …

Thumbnail for Are You For Real?
Are You For Real?

15 de Fevereiro de 2012 • Jayne Hirata

At a recent gathering at my children’s school, one of the parents came up to me and said, “I’m so glad I know you because you are one of the very few real people here.” Assuming that was meant as a compliment (which was somewhat odd because I was dressed in a tacky muumuu and draped in plastic leis as part of a presentation), I responded to that with my standard, “Oh, well, thank you, but no, I’m not, I …

Thumbnail for A House is Not A (Clean) Home
A House is Not A (Clean) Home

4 de Janeiro de 2012 • Jayne Hirata

Now that Christmas is over (albeit our family is in the final day of Chanukah), a powerful force has taken over our house and fills every moment with anxiousness and anxiety. This demon sweeps over us every year yet somehow, we are never prepared for it. What is it? Why, preparations for New Years of course. If you are not a Buddhahead, you will probably think I am nuts and wonder why anyone would be so terrified by the prospect …

Thumbnail for Da Kine Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel
Da Kine Dreidel, Dreidel, Dreidel

22 de Dezembro de 2011 • Jayne Hirata

Even though I will always manage to work into any conversation that two of my three children are in the photo book Mixed Kids by Kip Fulbeck, sometimes it is very difficult to be a Jewpanese family in Hawaii. It is particularly tough going when it is the holidays and you are trying to leave out any sort of Christian essence to keep the peace in a Buddhist and Jewish household of five. Even more so when you are trying …

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