Chicago Japanese American Postwar Resettlement


A selection of photographs depicting the building of a Japanese American community in Chicago after World War Ii, taken from a timeline developed by the Chicago Japanese American Historical Society.

Slides in this album 

Iva Toguri 1945

A victim of war: A young Japanese American woman who found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. She spent the postwar years living a quiet life working behind the scenes in her family mercantile business in Chicago until her death in 2006. (Photo courtesy of Chicago Shimpo) …

Iva Toguri
提供: intrepidmouse

LaSalle Mansion 1945

La Salle Mansion provided an ideal setting for singles arriving in Chicago from the internment camps during the Resettlement Period. It was a great place to meet new friends, and some cute girls! (Photo courtesy of Tom Mayahara)

LaSalle Mansion
提供: intrepidmouse

Commission on Wartime Relocation & Internment of Civilians 1983

The Commission on Wartime Relocation & Internment of Civilians provided an official venue of release for the reluctant internees to talk about their incarceration in internment camps.

(Photo courtesy of the Japanese American Citizen League) Commission

Commission on Wartime Relocation & Internment of Civilians
提供: intrepidmouse

Tatsu Aoki 2001

Tatsu Aoki, a man of many artistic talents: musician, composer, and artistic director. The Chicago Tribune Newspaper named him the Renaissance man of 2001. He has made a great impact in his many fields of endeavor and is a valuable member of the Chicago Japanese American community. Here he is …

Tatsu Aoki
提供: intrepidmouse

Nisei Lounge 2007

The Nisei Lounge was a hangout for Japanese American bachelors in Chicago in the 1950s and 1960s. It is now a watering hole for singles in an upscale neighborhood.

Nisei Lounge
提供: intrepidmouse

Hamburger King Restaurant 2007

The Hamburger King as it stands today. The original Japanese American food restaurant founded by Thomas Yamauchi. The restaurant first catered to Japanese American bachelors with it's casual home cooking style. During the 1980's it was favorite among Chicago artists.

Hamburger King Restaurant
提供: intrepidmouse

Album Type

community history

intrepidmouse — 更新日 6月 28 2021 1:49 a.m.



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