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Christine Piper

Christine Piper é uma autora mestiça nipo-australiana. Seu romance de estreia, After Darkness ([“Depois de Escurecer”], Allen & Unwin 2014), conta a história de um médico japonês encarcerado como “estrangeiro inimigo” na Austrália durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial. O livro ganhou o Prêmio Literário The Australian/Vogel, foi um dos concorrentes para o prestigioso Prêmio Literário Miles Franklin, e atualmente faz parte do currículo para alunos do 12º ano de inglês no estado de Vitória. Além disso, Piper ganhou o Prêmio Guy Morrison de Jornalismo Literário de 2014 e o Prêmio Calibre de Ensaios de 2014 pelo seu ensaio criativo de não-ficção “Unearthing the Past” [“Descobrindo o Passado”], sobre ativistas civis no Japão e as lembranças conflituosas no país do período da guerra. Visite:; Twitter: @cyberpiper

Atualizado em abril de 2021

Stories from This Author

Thumbnail for Remembering the Internment: Mary Nakashiba
Remembering the Internment: Mary Nakashiba

4 de Março de 2014 • Christine Piper

Mary Nakashiba Born: Thursday Island, 1926 Interned: Tatura, Victoria, 1942–44 “I felt betrayed by my country” Seventy years have passed since half-Japanese Mary was interned as a fifteen-year-old, but the shocking turn of events after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor is still clear to her. After being arrested in Darwin, Mary and her family were transported to Sydney by ship along with hundreds of other Japanese. “When we got off the ship, there was a crowd of people lining the harbor. They were …

Thumbnail for Japanese in Australia:  From Meiji to World War II
Japanese in Australia: From Meiji to World War II

25 de Fevereiro de 2014 • Christine Piper

A distinct pattern of Japanese migration to Australia emerged after the Meiji Restoration in 1868, when Imperial rule was reinstated and Japan’s ports were opened after centuries of feudal seclusion. For the first time, ordinary Japanese citizens could go abroad. From the 1870s until World War II, more than a hundred thousand Japanese voyaged to Australia. The sugarcane industry in north-eastern Australia attracted many Japanese laborers, as did the pearling industry along the north-western coast. Mother-of-pearl shell was highly sought …

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