BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181205T000000Z DTEND:20181205T000000Z DESCRIPTION:As global energy needs grow\, the U.S. has become the largest o il and gas producer in the world\, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia. Mor eover\, the U.S. is now preparing to become a net exporter of natural gas\ , competing with Qatar and Australia for LNG export pole position. But ren ewable energy costs have come down substantially over the past few years\, making the global energy landscape increasingly complex. What are the opp ortunities and challenges in natural gas and renewable energy infrastructu re development in North and South America? What are the market\, financing and legal trends impacting development in this region? In this program\, energy experts discuss the energy infrastructure in the Americas\, and the effect of U.S. energy abundance on Japan. \n \n <strong>Speakers:</strong >\n<strong>Majed Limam</strong>\, Manager\, Americas LNG &amp\; Natural Ga s Consulting\, Poten &amp\; Partners\, Inc.\n <strong>Gilbert D. Porter</s trong>\, Partner\, Haynes and Boone\, LLP\n <strong>Salim Samaha</strong>\ , Partner\, Global Infrastructure Partners\n \n <strong>Moderator:</strong >\n<strong>Carolyn Kissane</strong>\, Academic Director and Clinical Profe ssor at Center for Global Affairs\, New York University\n \n <strong>Agend a:</strong>\n \n\n6-6:30 PM\nRegistration\n\n6:30-8 PM\nDiscussion and Q&a mp\;A\n\n8-8:30 PM\nReception\n\n \n <strong>Admission:</strong>\n Non-mem bers: $20 \n Japan Society Corporate Members: Free\, up to designated numb er of tickets\; additional tickets $15 \n Japan Society Individual Members at Patron Circle level and above: $15\n \n Seating is available on a firs t come\, first served basis.\n \n <em>Prepayment must be made with a credi t card. All cancellations must be made at least 48 hours prior to the even t. </em>\n \n For more information\, please contact the Business and Polic y Program at 212-715-1208 or email <a></a>. <stro ng></strong><em></em> DTSTAMP:20240610T011401Z SUMMARY:The Impact of the U.S. Energy Revolution: From the Americas to Japa n URL:/en/events/2018/12/05/the-impact-of-the-us-energy-revolution-from-the/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR