BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140122T000000Z DTEND:20140122T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>Yuko ka Meriken yō\nKaero ka Nihon\nKoko ga shian no\nHaw ai koku</em>\n<em>Go on to America\nOr return to Japan?\nThis is our dilem ma\nHere in Hawai&lsquo\;i</em>\n\nThrough the poetic lyrics of&nbsp\;<em> holehole bushi</em>&nbsp\;(Japanese folksongs)\,&nbsp\;<strong>Franklin Od o</strong>&nbsp\;(Founding Director\, Smithsonian Institution&rsquo\;s Asi an Pacific American Program) traces the experiences of Japanese immigrant plantation sugar workers caught in the global movements of capital\, empir e\, and labor during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. From despair and defiance to love and lust\, the sentiments conveyed in the lyrics of&n bsp\;<em>holehole bushi</em>&nbsp\;illustrate both&nbsp\;the evolving loca l conditions and global context within which the workers\, and particularl y women workers\, found themselves.\n\nWe celebrate the publication of&nbs p\;<em>Voices from the Canefields: Folksongs from Japanese Immigrant Worke rs in Hawai&lsquo\;i</em>&nbsp\;with a selection of readings\, song\, and film.\n\n<em>Co-sponsored by the Japanese American Association of New York \, Japanese American National Museum\, and Hālāwai.</em>\n<em></em>\n< strong></strong><strong>RSVP by Monday\, January 20 at nts&nbsp\;</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Franklin Odo</strong>&nbsp \;retired in January 2010 as founding Director of the Smithsonian Asian Pa cific American (APA) Program. He served in that capacity since its incepti on in 1997. During his tenure\, six major exhibitions on Asian Pacific Ame rican ethnic groups were created or hosted at the Smithsonian. He was Inte rim Chief of the Asian Division\, Library of Congress in 2011. He has been Director of Research and Education at the National Japanese American Memo rial Foundation and a Senior Advisor to the International Student Conferen ces. He leads a &ldquo\;Theme Study on Asian American Pacific Islanders&rd quo\; for the National Historic Landmarks Project of the National Park Sys tem and is Senior Advisor to Densho.\n\nOdo was a professor of Ethnic Stud ies at the University of Hawai&rsquo\;i and visiting professor of History and American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania\, Hunter College\, Princeton\, and Columbia Universities in the 1990s. He received an MA in E ast Asia Regional Studies from Harvard and a PhD in Japanese history from Princeton University.\n\nHis book\,&nbsp\;<em>No Sword to Bury: Japanese A mericans in Hawai`i during World War II</em>\, was published by Temple Uni versity Press in 2004\; he edited the&nbsp\;<em>Columbia Documentary Histo ry of the Asian American Experience</em>\, published by Columbia Universit y Press in 2002. His new book of folk songs from Japanese immigrants worki ng on Hawaii&rsquo\;s sugar plantations was published by Oxford University Press in October 2013. These translated lyrics depict the richness of lif e and work in the late 19th and early 20th Centuries\, especially among wo men workers.\n\nAmong his awards are the Lifetime Achievement Award from t he Association for Asian American Studies\, a Distinguished Service Award from the Asian American Justice Center\, Leadership Awards from the Japane se American Citizens League and the Organization of Chinese Americans. Odo was appointed Humanist in Residence at the John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities at Brown University in April 2013. DTSTAMP:20240601T032455Z SUMMARY:Voices From The Canefields: Franklin Odo URL:/en/events/2014/01/22/voices-from-the-canefields-franklin-odo/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR