BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101207T000000Z DTEND:20101207T000000Z DESCRIPTION:6:30 PM Reception and Viewing of Exhibit\n7:00-8:00 pm Panel Di scussion and Q&amp\;A\n\nJoin the ACLU of Southern California and the Japa nese American National Museum for a panel discussion with Ahilan Arulanant ham (ACLU/SC Director of Immigrant Rights and National Security)\, Mia Yam amoto (Criminal Defense Attorney who was born in a World War II internment camp)\, and Hussam Ayloush (Executive Director of the Council on American -Islamic Relations\, Greater Los Angeles Area Chapter).&nbsp\;\n\nPlease R SVP to Clarissa Woo at (213) 977-5241 or email\;\n\n In conjunction with the exhibition&nbsp\;<a href=" bits/aclu-90years/">No Victory Ever Stays Won: The ACLU&rsquo\;s 90 Years of Protecting Liberty</a> DTSTAMP:20240601T052117Z SUMMARY:The Politics of Fear and Persecution: Then and Now URL:/en/events/2010/12/07/the-politics-of-fear-and-persecution-then-and-now / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR