BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150214T000000Z DTEND:20150214T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\nThe California Legacy Voice Network has scheduled three profe ssional development workshops for teachers and administrators in Region 5 (Santa Clara\, Santa Cruz\, Monterey Counties) at the Japanese American Museum of San Jose in San Jose's Japantown.\n\nGuest speakers (Jeanne Wak atsuki Houston\, Karen Korematsu and others) will address four critical st ories:\n &middot\; The California&rsquo\;s assembly centers\n &middot\; Th e Japanese American Internment\n &middot\; Fred Korematsu&rsquo\;s story\n &middot\; The family stories of local Legacy Voices\n Participants will r eceive materials to share with students and colleagues at their schools a nd school districts\, thus preparing them to become legacy voices. This J apanese American Confinement Sites grant is sponsored by the National Par k Service\, the Korematsu Institute for Civil Rights and Education\, and the Japanese American Museum of San Jose <span style="mso-spacerun: yes\; ">&nbsp\; (JAMsj).\n\nWhen registering\, please pick one date.\n\nPRE-REGI STRATION due February 21\, 2015\n Name\n Address\n e-mail address\n Phone\ n School/grade level\n School District\n If retired\, district and grade l evel\n Select one workshop date: ___March 7\, 2015 ___August 8\, 2015\n __ _Sept. 19\, 2015\n\nSend registration information to\n e-mail: info@jamsj. org Attention: Shirley Ota and Judy Tokubo\n address: JAMsj at 535 North F ifth Street\, San Jose\, CA 95112\n\n&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240604T180452Z SUMMARY:Register for the California Legacy Voice Network Workshop URL:/en/events/2015/02/14/register-for-the-california-legacy-voice-network- w/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR