BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130227T000000Z DTEND:20130227T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Aki Takahashi\, piano\n\n$15 in advance\, $20 at the door\n\n6: 30 doors open\n 7:30 show starts\n\nFollow this link for more information and to buy tickets: <a href=" takahashi-piano-feb-27th-2013/"> ki-takahashi-piano-feb-27th-2013/</a>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Program: \n Barbara Monk Feldman: In the Small Time of a Desert Flower\n Schubert: Piano Sonata in D major\, D. 894</strong>\n\nMaking an all-too-rare local appearance\, this supremely gifted Japanese pianist plays Barbara Monk Fel dman's <em>In the Small Time of a Desert Flower</em> &mdash\;a 27-minute piece heard on a recent CD issued under Feldman's name on the Mode label and characteristic of the rigorous tranquility with which Takahashi has l ong been associated. Here\, though\, the pianist offers a provocative pai ring with Schubert's sublime Sonata in D (D. 894)\, the visionary last wo rk published before the composer's premature death. -<a href="http://www.t" target="_blank"><em> m</em> </a>\n\nFrom <em>Le Poisson Rouge</em> website:\n\n<strong>TABLE SE ATING POLICY</strong> \n Table seating for all seated shows is reserved ex clusively for ticket holders who purchase &ldquo\;Table Seating&rdquo\; t ickets. By purchasing a &ldquo\;Table Seating&rdquo\; ticket you agree to also purchase a minimum of two food and/or beverage items per person. Ta ble seating is first come\, first seated. Please arrive early for the bes t choice of available seats. Seating begins when doors open. Tables are c ommunal so you may be seated with other patrons. We do not take table res ervations.\n\nA standing room area is available by the bar for all guests who purchase &ldquo\;Standing Room&rdquo\; tickets. Food and beverage can be purchased at the bar but there is no minimum purchase required in thi s area.\n\nAll tickets sales are final. No refund or credits. DTSTAMP:20240602T175941Z SUMMARY:Japanese pianist Aki Takahashi to perform at Le Poisson Rouge URL:/en/events/2013/02/27/japanese-pianist-aki-takahashi-to-perform-at-le-p o/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR