BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20121125T000000Z DTEND:20121125T000000Z DESCRIPTION:We are excited to offer a special origami gift wrapping class\, featuring award winning origami  instructor and specialist in Japanese p aper crafts\, Vicky Mihara-Avery. Just in time for the holidays\, this cla ss covers quick and easy Japanese-inspired gift wrapping techniques throug h step-by-step demonstrations and hands-on practice.\n\n<ul><li>  Use lay ers of coordinating papers for simple\, elegant gift wrapping.</li><li>  Tie mizuhiki paper cords to give your gift that unique Japanese touch.</li ><li>  Use furoshiki for inspired methods to wrap gifts\, including unusu ally shaped objects.</li></ul>\n\nThis program will also include a trunk s how featuring products from Vicky's company\, Mountain Valley Paper Compan y\, including gift wrap sets and her DVD\, The Japanese Art of Gift Wrappi ng.  \n   \n  Vicky Mihara Avery is the third-generation in her family to promote and share the experience of Japanese paper crafts. Vicky recent ly made guest appearances on the Martha Stewart Show\, the Carol Duvall Sh ow\, and Good Morning America. She has also been an invited lecturer and i nstructor at museums\, festivals and origami conferences around the countr y.\n    \n The cost of the origami gift wrapping class  is $10 for memb ers and $15 for non-members (includes admission to the museum). There is a n additional $3 materials fee that will be collected at the beginning of c lass. Members who are also active volunteers at the museum will receive an additional $5 discount. \n   \n The class is limited to 20 students. Ple ase contact  or call the JAMsj office at (408) 2 94-3138 to reserve your spot. DTSTAMP:20240606T184906Z SUMMARY:Origami Gift Wrapping Class URL:/en/events/2012/11/25/origami-gift-wrapping-class/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR