Tigers and Jaguars: LA's Asian-Latino Art Phenomenon - Exhibition at the Craft & Folk Art Museum through Oct. 29, 2006

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2006年6月30 2006年10月29

Craft and Folk Art Museum
Los Angeles, California
United States

There's an exhibition at the Craft and Folk Art Museum in Los Angeles that examines the relationship between Asian and Latino communities through art:

Tigers and Jaguars: LA's Asian-Latino Art Phenomenon
Curated by Kathy Mas-Gallegos

June 30 - October 29, 2006

In collaboration with Latino Museum of History, Art and Culture- This exhibit examines the relationship between the Asian/Latino communities through the expression of art and music, and suggests that this relationship creates a hybrid form of art as yet unnamed. Tigers and Jaguars promotes the idea of cross-cultural art-making that reflects the nuances of cultural differences. The artists in this exhibit do not forsake their cultural traditions, but rather explore the meshing of ethnicity towards developing an intercultural visual hybrid. In an ever-increasing globalized world, our artists share a desire to bridge cultural borderlines and to create new multicultural ways of artistic expressions.

Visit the Craft and Folk Art Museum website for visiting information:

There's a brief article from the Rafu Shimpo Online about the exhibition which focuses on Clement Hanami (one of the artists who also happens to work at the Japanese American National Museum) and his contribution to the exhibition - a lowrider rickshaw:
Art Exhibit Explores Links Between Asian, Latino Cultures




vkm . 更新日 2010年7月9日



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