BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091014T000000Z DTEND:20091015T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Spotlight on Chicago Arts Education Resource Fair\n\nThe Chicag o Japanese American Historical society will be available to answer questio ns both days at this event. \n <strong>We present the history of Japanese Americans through workshops for educators\, classroom presentations at th e elementary\, high school and college level\, the display of public exhib its\, and community presentations throughout the Midwest . </strong>\n\ nPreview Chicago&rsquo\;s arts and cultural programs for the 2009/2010 aca demic year and beyond. This is an invaluable resource for planning innovat ive activities\, fun field trips and group events. It is also a chance to learn how you can work with cultural organizations to establish the arts a s part of your core curriculum.\n\nIn a single location\, Spotlight on Chi cago will showcase this city's rich array of arts and cultural organizatio ns - new\, familiar and reinvented - as they embrace the coming season wit h updated education initiatives. Presenters will range from major city mus eums and theaters to grassroots performance troupes and community cultural centers.\n\n<strong>Educators: Wednesday\, October 14\, 2009</strong>\n<e m>Reception:</em> 4 &ndash\; 7:00 p.m.\n <em>Speaking Program:</em> 4:30 & ndash\; 5 p.m.\n\n<em>Exhibit area open:</em> 5 &ndash\; 7 p.m.<strong></s trong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>Join us any time: Thurs. Oct 15th 9:00 to Noon\n </strong>\n<strong>Admission is FREE -- Reservations Required</s trong>\n\nFor more information\, please call Leigh Fagin at 312.742.4716.\ n\nLeigh Fagin\n Collaborative Programs Coordinator\n Chicago Department o f Cultural Affairs\n 78 E. Washington\n Chicago \, IL 60602\n 312.742.4716 \n leigh.fagin@cityofchicago.or g DTSTAMP:20240612T065034Z SUMMARY:Spotlight on Chicago Arts Education Resource Fair URL:/en/events/2009/10/14/spotlight-on-chicago-arts-education-resource-fair / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR