BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090817T000000Z DTEND:20090821T000000Z DESCRIPTION:This fun and lively dance workshop is designed to familiarize s tudents back into the structure of the school setting.&nbsp\; Through danc e we will practice active listening\, group learning\, creative problem so lving and team work.&nbsp\; In this positive\, loving and nurturing enviro nment\, expectations will be set high and direction will be clear as dance rs prepare their minds and bodies for another successful school year.\n\nA ll classes will be taught by Corrine Nagata. Ms. Nagata has taught at The Ailey School and Dance Theatre of Harlem in New York and developed a youth dance curriculum collaborating with renowned Artistic Director\, Arthur M itchell. At present she teaches dance to students at Alamo\, Cesar Chavez\ , French American\, Jefferson and Rosa Parks Elementary schools. Currently Ms. Nagata is on faculty at Lines/ Dominican University and has taught Ho rton classes as a master teacher at Stanford\, SF State\, Mills and City C ollege.\n\n<strong>Ages:</strong>&nbsp\;5-10 years\n\n<strong>Location:</s trong>&nbsp\;JCCCNC\n<strong>Fees:&nbsp\;</strong>$230&nbsp\; All JCCCNC m embers receive a $10 discount.\n\n(need based scholarships are available f or those that qualify)\n\n<strong>More info:</strong>&nbsp\;Please call Co rinne Nagata at (650)346-5592\n\nHow do I sign up?\nCall us at 415-567-550 5\, email&nbsp\;<a></a>.<a href="http://www.jcccn" target="_blank"></a>. DTSTAMP:20240604T124726Z SUMMARY:Nagata Summer Dance Workshop URL:/en/events/2009/08/17/nagata-summer-dance-workshop/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR