BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080216T000000Z DTEND:20080216T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Community Day of Remembrance\nAt the Japanese American National Museum\n\n<a href="">REDRE SS REMEMBERED</a>\nFREE ALL DAY\n\nThe Day of Remembrance marks President Roosevelt's signing of Executive Order 9066 on February 19\, 1942\, which authorized the unconstitutional forced removal of 120\,000 Japanese Americ ans from the West Coast and Hawai'i during World War II.\n\nOn August 10\, 1988 President Ronald Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 which legislated monetary reparations and an offical apology to thousands of in dividuals whose rights had been violated almost 50 years earlier. The Civi l Liberties Act was won through a grassroots campaign and the efforts of t he entire community along with many justice minded people.\n\nThis 2008 Da y of Remembrance program celebrates the grassroots activism starting with Japanese Americans testifying at government-sanctioned hearings in 1981\, through letter writing and lobbying for redress\, to the current demand fo r compensation for Japanese Latin Americans. Day of Remembrance programs a re part of the continued need to educate and remember and it is a traditio n for many colleges to hold Day of Remembrance events on their campuses.\n \nPROGRAM\n"Unleashing Community Voices-Performance Art created by Traci K ato-Kiriyama - Video Highlights from the 1981 Commission Hearings and the Redress Campaign"\nJapanese Latin American Redress: Rep. Xavier Becerra\, Congressman 33rd District\nCollegiate Days of Remembrances: USC\, UC San D iego\, UC Riverside\nLight refreshments following program\nArrive early - limited seating\nFor more information: NCRR (213)680-3484\, JACL (213)626- 4471\n\nPresented in collaboration with the Nikkei for Civil Rights &amp\; Redress\, the Japanese American Citizen&rsquo\;s League&ndash\;Pacific So uthwest\, and the National Museum.\n \nFor other public programs at the Ja panese American National Museum\, go to: 2/ DTSTAMP:20240606T074107Z SUMMARY:Community Day of Remembrance @ Japanese American National Museum URL:/en/events/2008/02/16/community-day-of-remembrance-janm/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR