Descubra a los Nikkei

Going to America after completing a three-year contract twice (Japanese)

(Japanese) There’s an organization called Japan Chefs Association, and I became a member of Sanchoukai’s association. There I went through a series of training, so to speak, or they sent me to different places – “today you go there, that place needs more people.” It was like an employment agency, and I worked at different kinds of places. I worked in Tokyo, too. I also worked outside of the prefecture. While I was working like that, one day, they asked me, “Hey Toyoshima. There’s this job in America. Would you be interested?”

Before that, it seemed that our seniors had already come here since around 1968, and it was in 1973 when they were looking for the third replacement - I was 25 at the time - they asked me if I’d be interested to go to Los Angeles, and I said yes. I was going to work for two years at first and then it turned out to be three years – I was expecting some hardship, but it was very, uh, it’s probably because I’d worked around the city, my impression of Los Angeles was that it looked like an old town, and there were few sushi restaurants at the time, and I worked at a place called Tokyo Kaikan for three years.

I finished the three years of my contract. Now I had to go back. So I did. It didn’t take a year to get another offer from the office. They asked me if I could give an “encore.” They told me that it had to be me, so I signed a contract with the same Tokyo Kaikan and came here to work for another three years.

So back in the days, it was like how baseball players today get their offers, you know, looking back on it now, I’m reminded of the fact that we came here because we were offered a contract, too.

Fecha: April 16, 2016

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: Mistue Watanabe

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


El chef Toyoshima nació en la Prefectura de Aomori, en el norte de Japón, el 21 de agosto de 1949. A los 16 años, en 1962, llegó a Tokio donde trabajó en los restaurantes de sushi y a la noche concurría a una escuela nocturna. Quería ser chef de sushi, un verdadero cocinero en el arte del sushi. Ingresa luego a un gremio de cocineros denominado Sanchokai donde le permiten hacer experiencia en varios restaurantes de sushi. Y en 1973, llega a Los Angeles para trabajar en Tokyo Kaikan con un contrato de 3 años. Y finalizado el contrato regresa a Japón pero como lo requieren de nuevo en el mismo restaurante Tokyo Kaikan decide renovar el contrato por otro 3 años más. Al finalizar dicho período decide quedarse en los Estados Unidos y en 1980 abre su propio restaurante de sushi en el barrio Little Tokyo de Los Angeles con el nombre Sushi Gen. Este emprendimiento motivó la creación de una agrupación de paisanos con el nombre de Nanka Aomori Kenjinkai y contribuyó enormemente al crecimiento de la comunidad nikkei de Los Angeles. Y en el año 2007 fue nombrado primer Presidente del Nebutabayashi Hozonkai (grupo que vela por la conservación de las tradiciones del Nebuta Matsuri de Aomori) a fin de preservar y continuar la cultura japonesa dentro de la sociedad norteamericana. Y en el año 2015 fue premiado por sus logros y dedicación por el Cónsul General de Japón en Los Angeles. (Mayo de 2018)

Shigekawa, Sakaye

Differences in discrimination

(1913-2013) Doctor, especialista en obstetricia en California del Sur


Working at the family flower shop, meeting Greta Garbo

(1916-2016) Floristería

Horikiri,Edward Toru

My father’s venture into the hotel business (Japanese)

(n. 1929) Kibei nisei 

Horikiri,Edward Toru

Struggles with English (Japanese)

(n. 1929) Kibei nisei 


My daughter couldn’t fit in Japan, so I decided to go back to America (Japanese)

(n. 1936) Un “shin-issei” de profesión soldador


Facing discrimination in America (Japanese)

(n. 1936) Un “shin-issei” de profesión soldador

Uchimura,Sawako Ashizawa

Move to Los Angeles

(n.1938) Repatriada filipina de nacimiento que luego emigró a los Estados Unidos


First impression of America (Japanese)

Empresario Shin-Issei de un bar y restaurante japonés “Hondaya”


Longing for a life abroad and getting a chef’s license (Japanese)

Empresario Shin-Issei de un bar y restaurante japonés “Hondaya”


Support from Nikkei (Japanese)

Empresario Shin-Issei de un bar y restaurante japonés “Hondaya”


Regreso a Los Ángeles (Inglés)

Ilustrador japonés americano de Walt Disney y Hanna Barbera (1925-2007)