Descubra a los Nikkei

Struggles with English (Japanese)

(Japanese) I came back and was working as an apprentice at my aunt’s friend’s place Shopping Bag. But, I don’t understand English, right? I was working with 5 others, all Nisei. They were all college graduates, too, and, on top of that, veterans. They were of a relatively older generation of Nisei, so their Japanese was pretty good. They took care of me. Every time a white customer asked me something, I had to say, “Please wait,” go to the back, and ask one of them, and they’d tell me the answer. At first, I thought, “Well, this is interesting in its own way,” but after a month I had had enough of it and began to think it must be a bother for whomever else was involved, too.

That’s when my childhood friend came up to me and asked how much I was making there. He said, “What are you doing here? You gotta move over to the boarding house in Sawtelle. You’ll make a bunch more money as a gardener.” So, after a month and a half, I stopped working at Shopping Bag and moved out there.

California generaciones japonés-americanos kibei Los Ángeles nisei Sawtelle Estados Unidos

Fecha: January 31, 2012

Zona: California, US

Entrevista: John Esaki, Yoko Nishimura

País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum


Edward Toru Horikiri (nacido en 1929), kibei nisei, nació en Little Tokio, pero se mudó con su familia de regreso a Japón cuando tenía 18 meses de edad. Él fue criado y educado en Japón durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, pero decidió regresar a los Estados Unidos en 1952 para restablecer el negocio de la familia, el cual se vio afectado por la guerra. Sin embargo, carente de suficientes aptitudes en el idioma inglés, él se dedicó a una variedad de trabajos incluyendo el de jardinero, empleado doméstico, conductor de camión y empleado de tienda de abarrotes y de supermercado.  Él continuó participando en actividades culturales a través de organizaciones comunales de habla japonesa y a través de amistades con artistas como Taro Yashima. (Junio 2014)

Shigekawa, Sakaye

Differences in discrimination

(1913-2013) Doctor, especialista en obstetricia en California del Sur


Working at the family flower shop, meeting Greta Garbo

(1916-2016) Floristería



(n. 1934) Galardonado artista de animación de Disney que fue encarcelado en Topaz durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial


My daughter couldn’t fit in Japan, so I decided to go back to America (Japanese)

(n. 1936) Un “shin-issei” de profesión soldador


Facing discrimination in America (Japanese)

(n. 1936) Un “shin-issei” de profesión soldador

Uchimura,Sawako Ashizawa

Move to Los Angeles

(n.1938) Repatriada filipina de nacimiento que luego emigró a los Estados Unidos


Going to America after completing a three-year contract twice (Japanese)

(n. 1949) Chef de Sushi; Propietario de “Sushi Gen”, de Little Tokyo de Los Angeles


Becoming a member of nikkei community (Japanese)

(n. 1949) Chef de Sushi; Propietario de “Sushi Gen”, de Little Tokyo de Los Angeles


First impression of America (Japanese)

Empresario Shin-Issei de un bar y restaurante japonés “Hondaya”


Longing for a life abroad and getting a chef’s license (Japanese)

Empresario Shin-Issei de un bar y restaurante japonés “Hondaya”


Support from Nikkei (Japanese)

Empresario Shin-Issei de un bar y restaurante japonés “Hondaya”


Regreso a Los Ángeles (Inglés)

Ilustrador japonés americano de Walt Disney y Hanna Barbera (1925-2007)