BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130223T000000Z DTEND:20130223T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In 1925\, writer Shōson Nagahara serialized tales of Japanese immigrants in the <em>Rafu Shimpo</em>. For the first time\, Kaya Press ha s published an English translation of Nagahara&rsquo\;s stories about Litt le Tokyo&rsquo\;s down-and-out denizens. In <em>Lament in the Night</em>\, we meet itinerant day laborer Sazuko Ishikawa as he prowls the back alley s and bathhouses of Los Angeles looking for a meal or a job\, or just some one to hold onto\; and Osato\, a mother struggling to survive in the world of hostess bars and nightclubs after being abandoned by her gambling-addi cted husband.&nbsp\;\n\nDescribed as\, &ldquo\;a heartrending gift from th e past&rdquo\; by novelist Karen Tei Yamashita\, this book combines the gr itty sensitivity of naturalistic noir\, with with elements of Japanese tra ditional storytelling and epistolary techniques. What results is a grippin g tale of character and culture\, morality and corruption\, set against th e complex background of Los Angeles' multiethnic and class segregated neig hborhoods.\n\nJoin us for a discussion with <em>Los Angeles Times</em> Boo k Critic David Ulin and translator Andrew Leong exploring Nagahara&rsquo\; s influences\, the historical context of 1920s Little Tokyo\, and what thi s major literary rediscovery means for American literature.\n\nAlong with the conversation\, the afternoon will feature lively readings by special g uests from the Japanese American community\, and a historical walk through Little Tokyo that follows in the footsteps of Nagahara's characters\, wit h a reception to follow.\n\n<em>This event is sponsored by the Huntington- USC Institute on California and the West and the USC Master of Professiona l Writing Program.</em>\n<em></em>\n\nThis event is free!&nbsp\;Reservatio ns recommended to or&nbsp\;213.625.0414 at least 48 hours pr ior.&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank"></a> \n<a href="" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href ="" target="_blank">Purchase the book from the Museum Store &gt\;&gt\;</a> DTSTAMP:20240604T222625Z SUMMARY:BOOKS &amp\; CONVERSATIONS: "Lament in the Night" by Shoson Nagahar a URL:/en/events/2013/02/23/books-amp-conversations-lament-in-the-night-b/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR