BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111020T000000Z DTEND:20111020T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In conjunction with the exhibit&nbsp\;<em><a href="http://www.o">kip fulbeck: part asian\, 100% hapa< /a></em>\, the Oregon Nikkei Endowment has planned a&nbsp\;Hapa Diversity Workshop\, facilitated by&nbsp\;<strong>Dr. Linda Isako Angst</strong>\, C ultural Anthropologist of Japan.\n\nWho are you? How do you get to know so meone you perceive as different? How do we understand who we are in relati on to others? What assumptions do we make about "us" and "them" in the cou rse of everyday life? Taking its cue from the perspective of cultural anth ropology\, this workshop will ask participants to think&mdash\;and then un think&mdash\;assumptions we hold about ourselves and thereby examine the s tereotypes we create about cultural others. While we celebrate the diversi ty each of us holds as culturally situated individuals\, we must also lear n how to honor and support the proliferation of ethnicities within our mid st.\n\nThursday\, October 20\, 5pm\, at the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center.&n bsp\;<strong>Free\, but pre-registration is required.</strong>\n\nThe trav eling version of&nbsp\;<em>kip fulbeck: part asian\, 100% hapa</em>&nbsp\; is organized by the&nbsp\;<a href="">Japanese American National Museum</a>&nbsp\;in Los Angeles\, California\, and is supported\ , in part\, by the James Irvine Foundation. Programming was made possible in part by a grant from Oregon Humanities. DTSTAMP:20240604T124537Z SUMMARY:Hapa - Diversity Workshop URL:/en/events/2011/10/20/hapa-diversity-workshop/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR