BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101014T000000Z DTEND:20101014T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Second Thursdays at NJAHS: Film screening and program. Thursday \, October 14\, 2010. 6:30 - 8:00 PM in the NJAHS Peace Gallery\n\n<strong >Film Screening: Harsh Canvas: The Art and Life of Henry Sugimoto</strong> \n\nExecutive producers: Karen L. Ishizuka &amp\; Robert A. Nakamura. Edit or: John Esaki.\n\nFrom Japan to California\, on to Paris\, then to concen tration camps in Arkansas that transformed his art forever and finally to New York\, Henry Sugimoto (1900-1990) pursued what he called\, &ldquo\;t he path of an artist.&rdquo\; Sugimoto&rsquo\;s recently translated memoi rs\, brought to life by Academy Award nominated actor Mako\, reveal the a rtist&rsquo\;s own journey through his life and art. Features his paintin gs and sketches\, rare archival footage\, and film of the artist just bef ore his death.\n\nProduced for the exhibition Henry Sugimoto: Painting an American Experience. 30 min. Color VHS. For home use only.\n\nAWARDS: 22nd Annual Telly Awards\, Bronze Statuette\, 2001\; The Videographer Awards\, Award of Distinction\, 2001\n\n<strong>Speaker: Betty Kano</strong>\n\nAf ter the movie Professor and visual artist Betty Kano of San Francisco Sta te University will give a 30 minute lecture on art in camps. DTSTAMP:20240602T061950Z SUMMARY:Art in the Camps URL:/en/events/2010/10/14/art-in-the-camps/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR