BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100730T000000Z DTEND:20100730T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Free Community Event </strong>\n<em>Echoes of Struggle and Hope: 20 Years of the Japanese American Historical Plaza </em> \n Fri day\, July 30\, 2010\n 5pm Rededication\, 6pm Party\n\nOregon Nikkei Endow ment continues celebrating its 20th year in 2010 with a rededication of t he Japanese American Historical Plaza in Tom McCall Waterfront Park on Fr iday\, July 30th. The poetry of Lawson Inada\, Hisako Saito\, Masaki Kino shita\, and Shizue Iwatsuki combines with the stunning and thoughtful des ign of landscape designer Robert Murase and sculpture of Jim Gion to form not only a place of respite within the city\, but also a place of rememb rance\, and a place to both acknowledge and educate.\n\n Beginning at 5pm at the Plaza\, the celebration will include special guests Justice Micha el Gillette of the Oregon Supreme Court\, Consul General of Japan Takamic hi Okabe\, Portland City Commissioner Nick Fish\, former Portland City C ommissioner Mike Lindberg\, and former Poet Laureate of Oregon Lawson Ina da. Also featured will be a special poetry collaboration with <a href="">Sisters of the Road</a> and <a href= "">Transition Projects</a> .\n The celebration th en continues with <strong>a party at the Bill Naito Legacy Fountain</stro ng> \, just steps away from the Plaza. Bring your family and friends to e njoy community sponsored music\, crafts\, food\, and beer to celebrate this award-winning landmark. Entertainment includes <a href="http://www.p">Portland Taiko</a> \, the <a href="http://minidokaswin">Minidoka Swing Band</a> \, and <a href="http://www.t">The Slants</a> .\n\nThis free event is sponsored in part by Neighbors West-NW\, the Spirit Mountain Community Fund\, NW Natural\, Bi ll Naito Company\, Sapporo USA\, and Uwajimaya. DTSTAMP:20240603T063441Z SUMMARY:Japanese American Historical Plaza Rededication Event URL:/en/events/2010/07/30/japanese-american-historical-plaza-rededication-e v/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR