BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20091010T000000Z DTEND:20091010T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join the Southeast Japanese School &amp\; Community Center for their Holiday Boutique and Pancake Breakfast!\n \n Breakfast is served fro m 7:00am to 11:00am\, and it includes eggs\, rice\, Portugese sausage\, pa ncakes\, pineapple slices\, juice\, tea\, and coffee.\n \n Stop by Heritag e Source where author\, Dale Ann Sato\, will be signing copies of <em>Japa nese Americans of the South Bay</em> from 9:00am to 11:00am:\n <a href="ht tp://">http://www.</a> \n \n Also check out Clay Vision for holiday gift ideas:\n <a href="http://www.clayvision.c om"></a> \n \n For more information about the Sou theast Japanese School &amp\; Community Center please visit:\n <a href="ht tp://"></a> DTSTAMP:20240602T061943Z SUMMARY:Holiday Boutique & Pancake Breakfast URL:/en/events/2009/10/10/holiday-boutique-pancake-breakfast/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR