Discover Nikkei

Gidra's Editorial Process

We didn’t have an explicit editorial policy, but we wanted to reflect the ideas, feelings, aspirations of the young people who were involved in our movement at the time. We didn’t see ourselves as the chronicler or reporting on news per say, so in that sense when you go through the pages of Gidra, you would not necessarily be able to build a history of what happened during that time off of the pages. I think a lot of it had to do with uhh, expressions in poetry, expression in drawings, photography... And other creative avenues. And even in the writings and I think in the prose, like people had great latitude in terms of what they could write and talk about. The idea was to, to really have a vehicle where people could voice themselves.


Date: September 29, 2011

Location: California, US

Interviewer: Kris Kuromitsu, John Esaki

Contributed by: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum

Interviewee Bio

Mike Murase--attorney, activist, administrator, writer and photographer--has been involved in human services, social change, education, government and politics for over 40 years. As an undergraduate at University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), he was a co-founder of the Asian American Studies Center and later taught ethnic studies at UCLA, University of Southern California and California State University at Long Beach.

Mike’s roots in the Asian American communities are deep. He was a part of the core group who founded Little Tokyo Service Center (LTSC), a social service and community economic development agency serving Little Tokyo and greater Japanese American community throughout Los Angeles. Mike served as the board president for first 5 years. He also advocated for members of Japanese Welfare Rights Organization, Little Tokyo People’s Rights Organization and National Coalition for Redress & Reparations (NCRR), and authored Little Tokyo: One Hundred Year History.

In 2006, Mike returned to LTSC to join its management team and currently is Director of Service Programs. (August 2012)


Nihongo gakko - Preserving Japanese culture (Spanish)

(b. 1969) Former president of Centro Nikkei Argentino.


Not wanting to stand out as a foreigner

Sansei Japanese American living in Japan and Kendo practioner


Have compassion for all of humanity

(b. 1923) Nisei from Washington. Resisted draft during WWII.


Identity crisis (Spanish)

(b. 1969) Former president of Centro Nikkei Argentino.

(Jerome Charles White Jr.),Jero

Never sang Enka outside the family

(b. 1981) Enka Singer


Both Japanese and American identities though Japanese dance

(1918-2023) Nisei Japanese kabuki dancer

Herzig,Aiko Yoshinaga

Results of being more American than Japanese

(1924-2018) Researcher, Activist

(Jerome Charles White Jr.),Jero

Trying to convey the meaning of the songs

(b. 1981) Enka Singer


Internship on a Native American reservation in Arizona

(b.1952) Master drummer, artistic director of the Taiko Center of the Pacific


Different tension between East Coast and Los Angeles

Japanese American Creative designer living in Japan


Differences between American and Japanese taiko

(b.1943) Shin-issei grand master of taiko; founded San Francisco Taiko Dojo in 1968.

Sogi,Francis Y.

Meeting Japanese Americans from the mainland in MIS

(1923-2011) Lawyer, MIS veteran, founder of Francis and Sarah Sogi Foundation


Sudden acceptance in Japanese society

(b. 1967) Hawai`i-born professional fighter in Japan