BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220403T000000Z DTEND:20220403T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Nikkei Community Internship (NCI) is a paid eight-week prog ram designed to foster and connect young leaders to the Japantown commun ity.  The NCI program promotes awareness of the three remaining Japantow n's (San Francisco\, San Jose and Los Angeles) and to get youth more invo lved in the Japanese-American community.\n \n One day a week is reserved f or leadership training\, during which all of the Norcal interns gather fo r workshops and meetings with community leaders.  Interns also attend th ree statewide retreats\, one in each Japantown\, during which both the So uthern California and Northern California interns meet and work together. \n \n If you are a College\, University or recent graduate and interested in applying please <strong>submit your application no later than Sunday\, April 3rd</strong> <a href="" style ="color: #7351a1\; font-weight: bold\; text-decoration: underline\;" targe t="_blank"></a>  \n The program wi ll run between June 13 through August 5\, 2022.\n \n <span style="text-dec oration: underline\;">Quotes from past JAMsj Interns:\n\n<ul><li>“I am t ruly grateful for the NCI program because it was the perfect opportunity for me\, who had never known the Japantown and JA community\, to start ge tting involved.” Yuriko Akeyama\, NCI 2020 Intern </li><li>“NCI is tr uly a unique program that has given me the opportunity to grow profession ally as well as learn more about the community around me.”  Kimi Nakaj ima\, NCI 2020 Intern</li></ul> DTSTAMP:20240604T050657Z SUMMARY:The Nikkei Community Internship URL:/en/events/2022/04/03/the-nikkei-community-internship/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR