BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191120T000000Z DTEND:20191120T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Nestled in the mountains of central Japan\, Nagano Prefecture i s admired for its many beautiful natural and historical landmarks. A strik ing black-and-white structure\, and the oldest of its kind\, Matsumoto Cas tle is considered a National Treasure. Even long after the 1998 Winter Gam es\, Nagano remains the go-to destination for winter sports in Japan. The region is recognized for its unique cuisine and pristine waters\, includin g rich&nbsp\;<em>shinshu</em>&nbsp\;soba\, flavorful&nbsp\;<em>oyaki</em>& nbsp\;dumplings and succulent fruit. At this talk\, discover the unique ch aracteristics and rich history of this unforgettable region with&nbsp\;<st rong>Nagano Governor Shuichi Abe</strong>.\n<em>Followed by a tasting rece ption featuring cuisine from Nagano.</em> DTSTAMP:20240602T061908Z SUMMARY:Get to Know Nagano: The Home of Nature\, History &amp\; Sports URL:/en/events/2019/11/20/get-to-know-nagano-the-home-of-nature-history/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR