BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20190131T000000Z DTEND:20190131T000000Z DESCRIPTION:In our climate-shifting world\, the traditional Japanese notion of mediating between interior and exterior has re-emerged as an essential concern for contemporary architects. Rome Prize-winning architects&nbsp\; <strong>Rachely Rotem</strong>&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;<strong>Phu Hoang</strong>\ , of architectural firm MODU\, explore this dynamic in their own weather-c entric projects. Funded by the NEA and US-Japan Creative Artists Program\, Rotem and Hoang visited Japan to research the role of weather in the conc eption of architectural space. At this talk\, they will reveal their disco veries\, from their own first-hand experience of climate change to their i nterviews with five generations of Japanese architects including Kengo Kum a\, Fumihiko Maki and Ryue Nishizawa.&nbsp\;\n<em>Followed by a reception. </em>\n<em></em>Tickets: $15/$12 members\, seniors &amp\; students\n<em></ em>For more information\, please visit:&nbsp\;<a href="https://www.japanso e"> n-japanese-architecture</a>&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240605T115936Z SUMMARY:Inside Out/Outside In: Second Nature in Japanese Architecture URL:/en/events/2019/01/31/inside-outoutside-in-second-nature-in-japanese-a/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR