BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20161119T000000Z DTEND:20161120T000000Z DESCRIPTION:TRADITIONAL THEATER\n<strong>Program A: Sat.\, Nov. 19\, 7:30 P M</strong>&nbsp\;(Followed by a&nbsp\;<em>Metlife Meet-the-Artists</em><em >Reception</em>)<strong>\nProgram B: Sun.\, Nov. 20\, 5 PM</strong>\nIn th e early 20th century\, poet W. B. Yeats (1865-1939) became highly immersed in the traditional Japanese noh plays translated by American poet Ezra Po und (1885-1972)\, resulting in a landmark publication of 15 English-langua ge noh plays in 1916. One hundred years later\, the distinguished&nbsp\;<s trong>Kita Noh Theater Company</strong>\, led by Living National Treasure< strong>Tomoeda Akiyo</strong>\, selects titles from this collection and sh owcases them for New York audiences.<em>&nbsp\;</em>\n<a href="https://tic /2016-11-19_19.30/auditorium"><strong>PROGRAM A:</strong></a>&nbsp\;\nHigh lights from various plays in W. B. Yeats' noh collection (<em>Nishikigi\,& nbsp\;Kumasaka\, Tamura\, Shojo\, Kagekiyo</em>) performed in styles inclu ding&nbsp\;<em>maibayashi</em>&nbsp\;(noh play excerpt performed with a ma sk and costume)\,&nbsp\;<em>shimai</em>&nbsp\;(non-masked performance by a n actor with chanters) and<em>&nbsp\;subayashi</em>&nbsp\;(noh music). Thi s event includes a talk on noh's influence on Yeats and his artist contemp oraries by&nbsp\;<strong>Anthony Sheppard</strong>\, Professor of Music at &nbsp\;Williams College\, and a discussion with Living National Treasure&n bsp\;<strong>Tomoeda Akiyo</strong>.&nbsp\;<em>In Japanese with English ti tles.</em>\n<strong>PROGRAM B (SOLD&nbsp\;OUT):</strong>&nbsp\;\nFull vers ions of two noh plays from W. B. Yeats' collection are presented\,&nbsp\;< em>Kayoi Komachi&nbsp\;</em>and&nbsp\;<em>Shojo-midare.&nbsp\;</em><em>In Japanese with English titles.</em>\n<strong>Pre-Performance Lecture (Sun.\ , Nov. 20\, 4&nbsp\;PM)</strong>:&nbsp\;One hour prior to curtain\, noh sc holar Dr. Tom Hare\, Professor of Comparative Literature at Princeton Univ ersity\, will offer a pre-performance lecture on noh\, its history and uni que stylization.&nbsp\;<em>Open and free for all Program B performance tic ket holders.&nbsp\;</em>\n<strong>SOLD&nbsp\;OUT:&nbsp\;</strong>Please ca ll the Box Office on November 1 to inqire about any tickets that may becom e available.<em>&nbsp\;</em>\n<a href=" ents/program%20a-%20kita%20noh%20theater%20company/2016-11-19_19.30/audito rium"><strong>Buy Tickets</strong></a>: $40/$30 Japan Society&nbsp\;<a hre f="">members</a> DTSTAMP:20240603T230352Z SUMMARY:Treasured Noh Plays from the Desk of W. B. Yeats URL:/en/events/2016/11/19/treasured-noh-plays-from-the-desk-of-w-b-yeats/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR