BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20140525T000000Z DTEND:20140525T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>When Dreams Are Interrupted</em>&nbsp\;will be performed on Sunday\, May 25\, at 3 p.m. at the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) as the&nbsp\;closing event for the&nbsp\;<em>The Tag Project&nbsp\; </em>by sculptural artist Wendy Maruyama\, part of a joint exhibit. &nbsp\ ;\n&nbsp\;\n<em>When Dreams Are Interrupted</em>&nbsp\;is a&nbsp\;riveting \, site-specific performance that uncovers the profound imprint left on a neighborhood by the forced removal and mass evacuation of Japanese America n communities in 1942. Purple Moon Dance Project's artistic director\, Jil l Togawa\, as well as Arisika Razak\, Ruth Ichinaga\, and Sharon Sato\, ex plore and infuse&nbsp\;<em>The Tag Project</em>\, drawing out the stories and memories amassed by Maruyama and highlighting local history and storie s\, both known and newly uncovered.\n&nbsp\;\nThe collaboration between To gawa and Maruyama began when they met and collaborated at the Tule Lake Pi lgrimage in 2009.&nbsp\; For the first time\, strings of tags with handwri tten names of former WRA inmates prepared by Maruyama and community volunt eers became part of the staging for the performance of&nbsp\;<em>When Drea ms Are Interrupted</em>.&nbsp\; This performance was followed by others in San Diego (2011) and Little Rock (2013). The new San Jose performance bri ngs this unique collaboration with&nbsp\;<em>The Tag Project</em>&nbsp\;to the Bay Area for the first time.\n&nbsp\;\nThe San Jose visual art instal lation includes three integrated parts:&nbsp\;\n&nbsp\;\n<ul><li><em>Execu tive Order 9066</em>--wood-mounted sculptures by Maruyama</li><li><em>The Tag Project</em>--ten\, large-scale\, hanging paper sculptures with 120\,0 00 identification tags representing everyone who was incarcerated</li><li> <em>Executive Order 9066: Memories and Artifacts--</em>curated and present ed at the Japanese American Museum of San Jose (JAMsj)</li></ul>\n\n&nbsp\ ;\nThe free event will be held at ICA\, 560 South First Street\, San Jose. Seating is limited. &nbsp\;Please RSVP by calling (408) 283-8155. &nbsp\; Donations are welcome. &nbsp\;\n&nbsp\;\nFor more information\, contact Ji ll Shiraki at&nbsp\;<a href=" /\;messageId=Nzg1NCFZM0hEUk7hFWBttMlkd X3DwNNt&amp\;purpose=display&amp\;bodyType=htmlNoExternals#">jshiraki@sbcg</a>.&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240605T041220Z SUMMARY:PLAY: When Dreams Are Interrupted -- San Jose URL:/en/events/2014/05/25/play-when-dreams-are-interrupted-san-jose/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR