BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130519T000000Z DTEND:20130519T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>A Tribute Event for the First Anniversary of the passin g of Gordon Hirabayashi</strong>\n\nDuring World War II in Seattle\, Unive rsity of Washington student Gordon Hirabayashi agonizes over U.S. governme nt orders to forcibly remove and imprison all people of Japanese ancestry on the West Coast. As he fights to reconcile his country's betrayal with h is Constitutional beliefs\, Gordon journeys toward a greater understanding of America's triumphs and failures.\n\nWritten by Jeanne Sakata\nDirected by Jessica Kubzansky\nFeaturing Ryan Yu as Gordon Hirabayashi\n\nAt the D emocracy Forum of the National Center for the Preservation of Democracy. P erformance will be followed by a panel discussion and light refreshments.\ n\n<strong>Early Bird Ticket Price: $50 (until April 30)\nRegular Price: $ 65 (on or after May 1)</strong>\n\nTo purchase tickets\, visit&nbsp\;<a hr ef="" target= "_blank"></a>&nbsp\;or e-mail Anne Inoue at jeflosnageles@gm\, or make checks payable to: JABA Educational Foundation and mail to: Law Office of K. Anne Inoue 3828 West Carson St.\, Suite 102 Torrance\ , CA 90503.\n\n<em>Event Platinum Sponsors: Japanese American Bar Associat ion &amp\; Japanese American National Museum. Proceeds will be used to f urther the Japanese American Bar Association Educational Foundation's miss ion of helping to provide financial support to students in pursuit of thei r legal education.</em> DTSTAMP:20240602T061907Z SUMMARY:JABA Educational Foundation Presents: Hold These Truths: The Journe y of Gordon Hirabayashi (formerly Dawn's Light) by Jeanne Sakata URL:/en/events/2013/05/19/jaba-educational-foundation-presents-hold-these-t / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR