BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111020T000000Z DTEND:20111020T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The funky\, whimsically irreverent Japanese expats <strong>Miho Hatori</strong> (vocals\, drum pad) and <strong>Yuka Honda</strong> (keyb oard\, sampler) return to Japan Society&rsquo\;s stage this time as <stron g>Cibo Matto</strong> ! Since officially reuniting earlier this year\, th ese NY downtown darlings are back and better than ever\, with their charm ing lyrics often referencing food and a dizzying array of sounds influenc ed by everything from hip-hop\, jazz and rock to African and Brazilian be ats. Straight from Tokyo\, this evening also features the international d ebut of the silky-voiced keyboardist/singer-songwriter <strong>Yu Sakai < /strong> (<a href=" 9798458" target="_blank">Visit Yu Sakai's facebook page</a> ). With R&amp \;B beats and jazz-fused j-pop melodies\, Sakai&rsquo\;s music is an inve ntive blend of self-mixed instrumentation and multi-layered vocals. Sakai became an overnight sensation in Japan\, breaking radio charts after rel easing his first single in 2009 and winning iTunes&rsquo\; 2010 Best J-Po p Album of the year award with his debut album. Downtown New York collide s with modish Shibuya in this one-night-only J-music mash-up. \n \n Cash b ar opens at 7 pm.\n \n <strong>TICKETS</strong> \n $25/$20 Japan Society m embers \n \n <a href=" eid=656f1066">Buy Tickets Online</a> or call the Japan Society Box Office at (212) 715-1258\, Mon. - Fri. 11 am - 6 pm\, Weekends 11 am - 5 pm. DTSTAMP:20240602T175949Z SUMMARY:J-Music Ride: Cibo Matto & Yu Sakai URL:/en/events/2011/10/20/j-music-ride-cibo-matto-yu-sakai/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR