Material contribuído por BShindo

Nikkei Chronicles #4—Nikkei Family: Memories, Traditions, and Values

Grandfather’s Gift

Brandon Shindo

There is something unique about being in the presence of one’s Nisei grandparents. Maybe it is their years of life experiences, simply their wisdom, and/or their understanding how you feel when no one else does; but, whatever it may be, they are more than just individuals who allow you to …

Two Japanese American Soldiers, Two Best Friends, and a Crossroad

Brandon Shindo

The Japanese American experience consists not only of the creation of internment camps, but also numerous other significant elements of World War II such as the formation of the famous all-Japanese American 100th/442nd Regimental Combat Team.

Two Japanese American Soldiers, Two Best Friends, And a Crossroad

family history

The all Japanese American 100th / 442nd Regiment Combat Team is a symbol of a “Y” shaped crossroad for my familial history; however, unlike a typical crossroad of either right …

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The Nippon Foundation