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Background image consist of multiple portrait of Nikkei with military experience

Banco de Dados da Experiência Militar Nipo-Americana

Units Served
(?), Shigeo
MIS Sec 1 (grad. Savage, July 1943)
Abbey, V.
MIS E-6 (grad. Snelling, Aug. 1944)
Abe, Akira "Al"
MISLS Sec 16 (Graduated Savage, July 1943) 11th AB
Abe, Bill
442nd Regimental Combat Team, 2nd Battalion, Company E
Abe, Bunshi
MIS B-12 (Graduated Snelling, July 1945)
Abe, Chester
442nd Regimental Combat Team, 3rd Battalion, Company M
Abe, Danar
MIS A-12 (Graduated Snelling, Sept. 1945)
Abe, David
442nd regiment, 2nd battalion, Headquarters Company
Abe, David Y.
442nd regiment, 2nd battalion, Company G
Abe, George
442nd Regimental Combat Team
Abe, George
442nd regiment, 522nd Field Artillery, Battery B (Enlisted Man)
Abe, George Y.
442nd regiment, Medical Detachment
Abe, H.
MIS, Headquarters Company
Abe, Isamu
442nd Regimental Combat Team, 100th Battalion, Company D
Abe, James
MISLS C-9 (Graduated Savage, Feb. 1944)
Abe, James "Jim"
442nd Regimental Combat Team, 100th Battalion, Headquarters Company
Abe, James S.
442nd regiment, Medical Detachment
Abe, Katsnobu
442nd regiment, 2nd battalion, Company G
Abe, Katsuji "Kats"
MISLS (Defense Language Institute 1948)
Abe, Kiyoshi
MISLS C-1 (Graduated Snelling, Dec. 1944)
Abe, Kiyoshi
442nd regiment, 3rd battalion, Company I
Abe, Koki
MIS A-13 (Graduated Snelling, Aug. 1944)
Transferred to DLI
Abe, Leonard
MIS D-4 (Graduated Savage, Feb. 1944)
Abe, Masao
MISLS Sec 8(Graduated Savage, July 1943)
81st 'Wildcat' Div., 321st RCT S-Z Section
Abe, Masaru
442nd Regimental Combat Team, 100th Battalion, Company A
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Tips on Searching the Database

Use the Keywords search box to search for words and phrases occurring anywhere in the record other than in a personal name, for example: “ammo dump” “Lost Battalion” “Minidoka.”

Use the Name search boxes to find the personal name of any veteran in the database.

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