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Mike, Roy, and Harry Murakami in front of the Wayside Nursery in Gardena, California, 1955. It was not unusual for multiple members of a family to be involved in the gardening profession. Three of the Murakami brothers worked as full-time gardeners. Others worked as part-time gardeners or assisted their brothers with their routes. This was a gift to the Japanese American National Museum, from Harry Murakami. (2000.336.2)

This picture is part of the Landscaping America: Beyond the Japanese Garden exhibition at the Japanese American National Museum, which will run from June 17, 2007 until October 21, 2007. To learn more about Landscaping America, please visit the exhibition Web site.

Copyright is held by the Japanese American National Museum. Short-term educational use with limited circulation is permitted. For all other uses, please contact the Hirasaki National Resource Center at the Japanese American National Museum (hnrc@janm.org)

eishida — Atualizado em Abr 28 2015 6:31 p.m.

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