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Tradições de Oshogatsu dos Nima-kai



Submitted by Jane Shohara Matsumoto

Photo 2 of 2: Ozoni 

Our annual first morning Kampai as we welcomed the new year with ozoni.  We make it Kanto-style with the clear broth, even though our mother is from Kansai. They make ozoni with a miso broth. We prefer the clear, crisp taste of dashi and chicken - with a twist of yuzu or Myers lemon zest. And of course, fresh mochi!

Read her oshogatsu story here >>

Based on this original

uploaded by JaneShoharaMatsumoto

This was submitted by Jane Shohara Matsumoto for Discover Nikkei’s Nima-kai 2020-2021 Oshogatsu Traditions photo activity. ***** Our annual first morning Kampai as we welcomed the new year with ozoni.  We make … More »

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