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2013 JANM National Conference - "Speaking Up! Democracy, Justice, Dignity"


[Audio] Looking Like the Enemy: A Childhood View

With the passing of the first-generation Issei, the second-generation Nisei—now in their seventies and eighties—and the third-generation Sansei remain the last surviving first-person voices from the Nikkei World War II experience. This interactive presentation shares first-person recollections about childhood in a concentration camp, in a free-zone inland community, or in Japan.


  • Satsuki Ina, Ph.D., Filmmaker & Psychotherapist


  • Miyoko Kodama 
  • Mako Nakagawa, Retired Educator, JACL 
  • Shizue Watanabe

Based on this original

[Audio] JANM National Conference - Looking Like the Enemy: A Childhood View [AUDIO]
uploaded by JANM
Audio from the “Looking Like the Enemy: A Childhood View” panel session on July 6, 2013 at the Japanese American National Museum’s 2013 National Conference, “Speaking Up! Democracy, … More »

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The Nippon Foundation