My Collection of Daruma


Daruma are traditional Japanese dolls that are symbols of perseverance, determination, and optimism. Often used as good luck charms to fulfill a special wish or resolution, it’s customary to paint in the right eye when the wish is made, then paint the other eye when the wish is fulfilled.

Over the past decade, I've become very interested in daruma. This collection presents my own variations on daruma imagery. Someone pointed out to me recently that my daruma have more of a cute demeanor rather than the traditional fierce look, but I guess in a way they're a more true representation of how I see myself—open and welcoming externally, but with an inner strength and determination...or at least that's what I aspire to be.

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This is a painting I did in 1999 using acrylics on canvas.

País: vkm

Paper mache

This was from a batch I made in my first attempt ever at paper mache...actually, first and only attempt so far. [Click here to read the back story on this]

Paper Mache Daruma
País: vkm


My attempt at decorating an Easter egg-shaped cookie into a daruma in 2007.

Daruma cookie
País: vkm

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vkm — Atualizado em Jun 28 2021 1:49 a.m.

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