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Origins of Now: ReBuilding Community, An Excerpt from an Exhibit on the Resettlement of Japanese Americans in Chicago


Social Life

Social Life -
The majority of resettlers were young Nisei, single or married with small children. Social interaction offered a release from the stresses of job hunts, housing problems, discrimination, and separation from family members still interned in the West. Churches, temples, political organizations (Japanese American Citizens League), sports leagues (Chicago Nisei Athletic Association), and support organizations (Chicago Resettlers Committee) all gave opportunities for resettlers to meet socially.

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Social Life
uploaded by D_Burns
Social Life - The majority of resettlers were young Nisei, single or married with small children. Social interaction offered a release from the stresses of job hunts, housing problems, discrimination, … More »

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Projeto do Japanese American National Museum

The Nippon Foundation