Other family members not as lucky
Perhaps at this point I should mention my maternal side, they lived in Furue which is, I think, approximately three miles from ground zero, and probably south of the ground zero position. And they were basically farmers. They were farming at that time.
On that particular day, my grandparents, my maternal grandparents, grandfather, grandmother, and also my youngest uncle in that family, (that would be my mother’s youngest brother), the three of them took their produce and went into the city to sell. Although I don't know [their] exact location when the bomb exploded, but they must have been extremely close. My grandmother’s body was never recovered, she just disappeared. My grandfather was severely injured and somehow made it back to Furue only to die a few days later. My uncle, he said he was—I spoke to him in the past—he said that he was thrown into the river. There were many, many rivers in Hiroshima. He was thrown into the river, which probably saved his life. But he was severely burned on both of his legs.
Data: September 3, 2019
Localização Geográfica: California, US
Entrevistado: Masako Miki
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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