Daughters want to identify with their cultures
One daughter wants to get Bat Mitzvahed, the twelve-year-old. She considers herself as a Jewish girl. And the fourteen-year old considered herself as a Japanese girl. They're just completely split and they're completely different. The one who thinks she's Japanese and she doesn't see herself as Jewish, actually looks pure Japanese. They look completely different. And the one that see herself as a Jew looks Jewish. It’s just more of the weirdness that keeps going on as the generations go on. But they want to identify with their culture, so I'm looking into how to help them do that. Even if it means not getting Bat Mitzvahed, and not becoming a full Buddhist it’s about I talk to them about it and let them explore it with me, and I tell that I support them in whatever they want to do. And we'll see how that goes.
Data: April 4, 2013
Localização Geográfica: California, US
Entrevistado: Patricia Wakida
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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