The identity crisis of Peruvian children in Japan (Spanish)
(Spanish) Children who were born, raised and educated here, they think they are ... Well, not all, right? They think that they are Japanese. As they are children, they still do not know what the law of citizenship is; then they think they are Japanese, right? So now there are many parents who, for the children, are being nationalized. For as much as they are capable and as professional as they are, many times, if one does not have Japanese citizenship, they are not welcomed. To maintain the language, it is up to each family, I believe. There are many families who put a rule in place in their home. At home, Spanish. One step outside, all Japanese. Generally what helps in this time of crisis is ... some, or many, have had to make a decision; for those who cannot survive here in Japan, they have had to return to Peru. Then the child can continue with his/her studies. No, I think there is also an institution that supports them, right? To balance out. So that is the advantage of [UI]. I do not think that there is discontinuity because here the Peruvian culture, the Incan culture is very well received by the Japanese. The Peruvians are always doing activities of their culture, right? So I think that the children who were born and raised here, there are many children that preserve our Peruvian culture.
Data: March 24, 2009
Localização Geográfica: Tokyo, Japan
Entrevistado: Alberto Matsumoto
País: Watase Media Arts Center, Japanese American National Museum
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